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Daily Normals of Meteorological Elements for Hong Kong, July 1961-1990

The below figures represent daily mean values of the weather elements calculated from data
in the 30 years from 1961 to 1990 for the 5-day period centred on the day specified.
Date Mean Pressure
Air Temperature
Relative Humidity
Mean Daily Rainfall
Amount of Cloud
Mean Maximum
(deg. C)
(deg. C)
Mean Minimum
(deg. C)
Jul 01 1005.0 31.3 28.7 26.7 82 10.8 70
Jul 02 1005.2 31.3 28.7 26.7 81 11.3 69
Jul 03 1005.5 31.4 28.8 26.7 81 10.3 68
Jul 04 1005.7 31.4 28.8 26.8 81 9.8 66
Jul 05 1005.8 31.6 28.9 26.9 81 8.4 64
Jul 06 1005.8 31.8 29.0 27.0 80 6.7 63
Jul 07 1005.7 31.8 29.1 27.0 80 5.8 62
Jul 08 1005.6 31.9 29.1 27.0 79 5.6 62
Jul 09 1005.5 32.0 29.1 27.0 79 6.4 63
Jul 10 1005.5 31.9 29.1 27.0 79 8.3 64
Jul 11 1005.6 31.8 29.0 26.9 79 9.3 65
Jul 12 1005.8 31.7 28.9 26.7 80 10.8 65
Jul 13 1005.9 31.6 28.8 26.6 80 11.0 65
Jul 14 1006.0 31.6 28.8 26.6 80 10.5 64
Jul 15 1005.9 31.6 28.8 26.6 80 9.9 63
Jul 16 1005.8 31.7 28.8 26.5 80 10.4 62
Jul 17 1005.6 31.7 28.8 26.5 80 11.3 63
Jul 18 1005.5 31.7 28.8 26.6 80 11.3 63
Jul 19 1005.6 31.6 28.8 26.5 81 10.9 64
Jul 20 1005.6 31.6 28.7 26.4 81 12.8 65
Jul 21 1005.7 31.5 28.7 26.4 81 11.8 66
Jul 22 1005.8 31.5 28.7 26.5 81 9.7 67
Jul 23 1005.5 31.5 28.7 26.5 81 10.8 67
Jul 24 1005.1 31.4 28.7 26.5 81 12.0 68
Jul 25 1005.0 31.3 28.6 26.5 81 10.5 68
Jul 26 1004.7 31.2 28.5 26.4 81 11.9 67
Jul 27 1004.3 31.2 28.5 26.3 81 12.8 65
Jul 28 1004.2 31.2 28.4 26.2 81 13.8 65
Jul 29 1004.3 31.2 28.4 26.2 81 13.3 64
Jul 30 1004.3 31.3 28.4 26.2 81 13.3 64
Jul 31 1004.2 31.3 28.4 26.2 81 14.1 65
Observed at Hong Kong Observatory

Date Bright Sunshine Duration
Prevailing Direction
Mean Speed
Jul 01 6.4 190 20
Jul 02 6.8 230 20
Jul 03 7.0 230 20
Jul 04 7.4 230 20
Jul 05 7.7 230 20
Jul 06 8.0 230 20
Jul 07 8.0 230 19
Jul 08 8.1 230 19
Jul 09 8.0 150 19
Jul 10 8.0 230 19
Jul 11 7.9 230 20
Jul 12 7.6 230 20
Jul 13 7.7 230 20
Jul 14 7.8 230 20
Jul 15 7.8 230 20
Jul 16 8.0 230 20
Jul 17 8.1 230 20
Jul 18 8.0 230 20
Jul 19 7.9 230 20
Jul 20 7.8 230 20
Jul 21 7.5 230 20
Jul 22 7.4 230 20
Jul 23 7.2 230 20
Jul 24 6.9 230 21
Jul 25 6.7 230 20
Jul 26 6.7 230 20
Jul 27 6.8 230 20
Jul 28 6.7 230 20
Jul 29 6.9 230 20
Jul 30 7.0 240 19
Jul 31 6.9 240 20
Observed at King's Park Waglan Island

Figure 1. Daily Normals of mean pressure at July (1961-1990)

Figure 1. Daily Normals mean pressure at July (1961-1990)

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Figure 2. Daily Normals air temperature at July (1961-1990)

Figure 2. Daily Normals air temperature at July (1961-1990)

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Figure 3. Daily Normals relative humdity at July (1961-1990)

Figure 3. Figure 3. Daily Normals relative humdity at July (1961-1990)

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Figure 4. Figure 3. Daily Normals mean daily rainfall at July (1961-1990)

Figure 4. Daily Normals mean daily rainfall at July (1961-1990)

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Figure 5. Daily Normals mean daily Bright Sunshine Duration at July (1961-1990)

Figure 5. Daily Normals mean daily Bright Sunshine Duration at July (1961-1990)

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Figure 6. Daily Normals mean wind at July (1961-1990)

Figure 6. Daily Normals mean wind at July (1961-1990)

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