
Weather Chit Chat Issue 78 - Weather Spotlight (October 2020)

Weather Chit Chat
Weather Spotlight
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July 2020 - Hong Kong's Hottest Month Ever

July 2020 - Hong Kong's Hottest Month Ever

With a stronger than usual subtropical ridge persisting over southern China for most of the month, July 2020 became the hottest month in Hong Kong since records began in 1884, and set multiple high temperature records. (More……)

Black Rainstorm Returned after Three Years

Black Rainstorm Returned after Three Years

On 6 June. a trough of low pressure brought heavy rain to Hong Kong that lasted for about seven hours. The rainfall in many areas exceeded 200 mm, resulting in severe flooding. The Observatory issued a "Black" Rainstorm Signal for the first time since 2017. (More……)

Memorandum for Tropical Cyclone Season

During the tropical cyclone season, have you ever received any detailed schedules on the forthcoming issuance of Tropical Cyclone Warning Signals from friends? What is the Observatory's process for issuing Tropical Cyclone Warnings? And what is "Pre-No.8 Special Announcement"? (More……)