Weather analysis chart
Weather chart for western North Pacific and South China Sea (8-42°N, 91-146°E, isobars with observations, size about 140KB)
Weather chart for East Asia and Pacific by Japan Meteorological Agency (0-70°N, 90°E-160°W, isobars with observations, size about 50KB)
Weather chart for North Pacific by US National Weather Service (NWS) / National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Ocean Prediction Center (16-65°N, 135°E-115°W, isobars with observations, size about 280KB)
Weather chart for North Pacific and North Atlantic by US NWS Ocean Prediction Center (0-90°N 130°E-180°-20°E, isobars, size about 100KB)
Weather forecast chart
48-hr forecast weather chart for North Pacific by US NWS / NCEP Ocean Prediction Center (16-64°N, 137°E-116°W, forecast isobars and movement, size about 260KB)
96-hr forecast weather chart for North Pacific by US NWS / NCEP Ocean Prediction Center (16-64°N, 137°E-116°W, forecast isobars and movement, size about 260KB)
Wave forecast chart
24-hr wave forecast for North Pacific by US NWS / NCEP Ocean Prediction Center (18-64°N, 137°E-116°W, wave period forecast and direction, size about 160KB)
48-hr wave forecast for North Pacific by US NWS / NCEP Ocean Prediction Center (18-64°N, 137°E-116°W, wave period forecast and direction, size about 160KB)
96-hr wave forecast for North Pacific by US NWS / NCEP Ocean Prediction Center (18-64°N, 137°E-116°W, wave period forecast and direction, size about 160KB)
Satellite image
Latest satellite image for western North Pacific and South China Sea (7-36°N 100-140°E, size about 30KB)
Animation of satellite images for western North Pacific and South China Sea (7-36°N 100-140°E) for the past 6 hours (size about 380KB)
Latest global satellite image (size about 90KB)
Marine weather forecast
Marine Forecast issued by Hong Kong Observatory for sea areas 10-30°N 105-125°E (size around 120KB)
Weather Information for South China Coastal Waters issued by Hong Kong Observatory (size <10KB)
GMDSS Forecast for the Indian Ocean, China Sea and North Pacific Ocean (WMO website, size about 12KB)
Marine Forecast issued by National Meteorological Center of China Meteorological Agency for the South China Sea, East China Sea and Yellow Sea (size about 250KB, Chinese only)
Marine Forecast issued by China National Marine Environmental Forecasting Center for the South China Sea, East China Sea and Yellow Sea (size about 250KB, Chinese only)
Fishery Forecast issued by Taiwan Central Weather Bureau for the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea (size about 80KB)
Marine Forecast issued by Japan Meteorological Agency for seas surrounding Japan and the East China Sea (size about 20KB)
Tropical Cyclone Warning
Tropical Cyclone Warning for Shipping (for tropical cyclones in area 10-30°N, 105-125°E, forecasts up to 120 hr, size <10KB)
Tropical Cyclone Warning Bulletin (only when local tropical cyclone warning signals are in force for Hong Kong, size <10KB)
Local weather information, forecasts and warnings for Hong Kong
Regional Weather in Hong Kong (with Mean Sea Level Pressure in Hong Kong, size <10KB)
Local Weather Forecast for Hong Kong (size <10KB)
9-Day Weather Forecast for Hong Kong (size <10KB)
Warning(s) in Force for Hong Kong (size <10KB)
Warning Information for Hong Kong (size <10KB)
Tidal Information for Hong Kong (size about 10KB)
World Weather Forecast
World Weather Forecast (maximum and minimum temperature and weather forecast, size <10KB)
Version 29. 6 . 2016