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Workshop on Climate Change and Climate Prediction in the Pearl River Delta Region


Workshop on Climate Change and Climate Prediction
in the Pearl River Delta Region

15-16 December 2008
Hong Kong Observatory Headquarters

Towards a thematic strategy for the climate change in Macao Special Administration Region
S K Fong
  Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, Macao
Projection of future extreme climate change events in South China
Y D Du
  Guangdong Meteorological Bureau
Business and public engagement of climate change
Teresa Au
  The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Variations of tropical cyclone activity in South China and the South China Sea
Johnny Chan / Andy Goh
  Guy Carpenter Asia-Pacific Climate Impact Centre,
City University of Hong Kong
Long-term trends of extreme winds, rainfall and temperature in Hong Kong
H Y Mok
  Hong Kong Observatory
Climate change in Macao and the tendency in the 21st century
I M Tang
  Meteorological and Geophysical Bureau, Macao
Relationship between climate change in South China and urbanization in the Pearl River Delta
Q L Li
  Dept. of Civil Engineering,
University of Hong Kong
Climate change and reinsurance
Rita Hausmann
  Munich Reinsurance HK Branch
Climate change: Taking action now will pay off
Peter Zimmerli
  Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd
Public education and outreaching activities on climate change: the Hong Kong Observatory experience
W M Leung
  Hong Kong Observatory
Experimental monthly forecast in Hong Kong
S M Lee
  Hong Kong Observatory
Analysis of the degree-day characteristics in Guangdong
Q C Hao
  Guangdong Meteorological Bureau
Leading modes of East Asian winter monsoon variability and their predictability
Francis C Y Tam
  Dept. of Physics and Material Science,
City University of Hong Kong
Introduction to the forecast system of tropical cyclones intensity
Y M Hu
  Guangdong Meteorological Bureau

* Anyone wishing to further disseminate these abstracts and presentations should seek permission from the author through the Hong Kong Observatory.