
List of Publications by Hong Kong Observatory

This catalogue contains all the publications, reports, articles and information materials prepared by the Hong Kong Observatory from the date of its establishment in 1883. The catalogue is classified into nine categories. These nine categories are described below.

General Publications

include popular publications, publicity publications and information leaflets.

Data Summaries

include weather summaries, climatological data, tropical cyclone reports, astronomical tables, radioactivity data and other geophysical data.

Technical Memoirs

are technical publications in meteorology published before 1975. This category has been replaced by Technical Notes or Technical Notes (Local).

Technical Notes

are technical publications in meteorology published before 1975. This category has been replaced by Technical Notes or Technical Notes (Local).

Technical Notes (Local)

are publications similar to those of the Technical Note series but contain results of research done in a less rigorous way or of a lesser scale. The distribution is limited mainly to local libraries.

Technical Reports on Environmental Radiation Monitoring in Hong Kong

are reports published since 1989 on the environmental radiation monitoring programme.

Papers and Articles Prepared by Hong Kong Observatory Staff

are papers and articles prepared by staff of the Observatory.

Historical Publications

are publications with great historical values. They are mainly published before 1940. They include climatological summaries, reports on major weather events and other papers in the early years.

Occasional Papers

are miscellaneous publications, whether technical in nature or of general interest, that not grouped under the other eight categories.