
Weather Chit Chat Issue 77 - Cooperation (April 2020)

Weather Chit Chat
Climate Change
New Milestones
HKO Updates
Workshop on Nowcasting

Workshop on Nowcasting

In early December 2019, the Observatory organised the international workshop entitled “Nowcasting, Seamless Forecasting and Warning Services” for the Voluntary Cooperation Programme (VCP) of the World Meteorological Organization.(More……)

Additional of Real-time Temperature Information from Tai Lung

Additional of Real-time Temperature Information from Tai Lung

In February 2020, the Observatory added real-time information on air temperatures recorded at the Tai Lung Automatic Weather Station (AWS) to its website and the “MyObservatory” app.(More……)

Workshop on Aerial Radiation Monitoring and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness

Workshop on Aerial Radiation Monitoring and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness

From 25 to 27 November 2019, the Observatory organised a Workshop on Aerial Radiation Monitoring and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness, which focused on the latest development in environmental radiation monitoring during nuclear emergency, in particular aerial monitoring.(More……)