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The Weather of October 2004

    October 2004 was sunnier and much drier than normal. The total duration of bright sunshine of 257.4 hours was 62.4 hours above normal. The monthly rainfall of 2.3 mm was only about 2 percent of the normal figure. The accumulated rainfall since 1 January amounted to 1738.2 millimetres, about 19 percent below the normal of 2151.9 millimetres for the same period.

    On 1 October, it was fine and hazy during the day. As a cold front moved across the south China coast that night, winds strengthened from the north and there were some light rain patches. It became cooler the following day. Temperature continued to drop to a minimum of 20.9 degrees in the morning of 3 October, the lowest so far this autumn. With a continental anticyclone established over China, the weather became generally fine and dry in Hong Kong and remained so until 25 October. Haze was reported on 12, 20 and 25 October.

    Under the dry condition, over 90 cases of hill fires were reported in Chung Yeung Festival on 22 October. In Tai Po, 24 people were trapped by hill fire and had to be led to safety by firemen.

    A major replenishment of the northeast monsoon arrived at the south China coast on the morning of 26 October. Winds strengthened from the north and the Strong Monsoon Signal was issued that morning. Although it was mainly fine during the day on 26 October, there was some rain at night. The weather turned fine and became cooler on 27 October. Sunny weather continued for the rest of the month.

    A total of three tropical cyclones occurred in the western North Pacific in the month. 

    Details of issuance and cancellation of various warnings/signals in the month are summarized in Tables 1.1 to 1.3.  Monthly meteorological figures and departures from normal for October are tabulated in Table 2.


Warnings and Signals issued in October 2004

Table 1.1   Strong Monsoon Signal

Beginning Time Ending Time
Day/Month HKT Day/Month HKT
1 / 10 2050 2 / 10 1615
26 / 10 0500 26 / 10 1135

Table 1.2   Thunderstorm Warning

Beginning Time Ending Time
Day/Month HKT Day/Month HKT
1 / 10 1948 1 / 10 2300

Table 1.3   Fire Danger Warnings

Colour Beginning Time Ending Time
Day/Month HKT Day/Month HKT
Yellow 1 / 10 1100 1 / 10 1950
Red 2 / 10 0545 7 / 10 0600
Red 8 / 10 0600 10 / 10 0600
Yellow 10 / 10 0600 11 / 10 0600
Red 12 / 10 1130 12 / 10 1800
Red 13 / 10 1100 14 / 10 0015
Red 15 / 10 1230 16 / 10 0545
Yellow 16 / 10 0545 17 / 10 1800
Red 18 / 10 0600 20 / 10 1800
Yellow 22 / 10 0000 24 / 10 1300
Red 24 / 10 1300 26 / 10 2150
Red 27 / 10 0600 27 / 10 1800
Yellow 30 / 10 1130 31 / 10 1800

Table 2   Figures and Departures from Normal - October 2004

Meteorological Element Figure of the Month Departure from Normal
Mean Daily Maximum Air Temperature 27.5 degrees C 0.4 degree below normal
Mean Air Temperature 24.9 degrees C 0.3 degree below normal
Mean Daily Minimum Air Temperature 22.9 degrees C 0.2 degree below normal
Mean Dew Point Temperature 17.5 degrees C 2.3 degrees below normal
Mean Relative Humidity 64 % 9 % below normal
Mean Cloud Amount 35 % 21 % below normal
Total Rainfall 2.3 mm 142.5 mm below normal
Total Bright Sunshine Duration 257.4 hours 62.4 hours above normal
Mean Daily Global Solar Radiation 16.36 Megajoule / square metre 0.90 Megajoule above normal
Total Evaporation 145.0 mm 7.2 mm below normal

Remarks :   All measurements were made at the Hong Kong Observatory except sunshine, solar radiation and evaporation which were recorded at King's Park Meteorological Station.