Weather Chit Chat issue 63
This Table Shows The List Of Contents Of Weather Chit Chat Issue63
- "Climate Change - Our Response" Exhibition for 10th Anniversary of "Science in Public Service" Campaign
- Climate Change Stakeholder Engagement Forum
- Weather Experts Gather in Hong Kong for International Nowcasting Symposium
- In the Midst of Storm: Hong Kong's Early Typhoons
- An Updated Version of "MyObservatory" App for Apple Watch
- Enhanced "Location-specific Lightning Alert" Webpage
- Observatory Awarded "Manpower Developer" Status for the First Time
- Second Edition of the Hong Kong in a Warming World Pamphlet
- A Farewell to El NiƱo
- Announcement on Localized Heavy Rain
- The 20th Anniversary of "Friends of the Observatory"
- "Sky of Silver Age" Photo Competition
- Go! "Sky Dragon"
- Showers Jargon Explained
- Observatory Staff Commended by the Public
- Staff Promotions: Mr LI Luen-on, Mr LI Nga-wing
- Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao annual cooperation meeting and technical seminar were held in Guangzhou;
- Observatory won several awards in the "Best .hk Website Awards 2015";
- A Civil Aviation Administration of China delegation visited HKO;
- Staff of Zhuhai Meteorological Service visited HKO;
- Experts from the Air Traffic Management Bureau of China visited HKO;
- Observatory and Environmental Protection Department delivered the first joint talk on climate change at secondary school
Page 1 to 7 of this issue of Weather Chit Chat