Related Press Releases and Research
Related Press Releases
Global warming - the Hong Kong connection (1 August 2003)
HKO announces findings on long-term sea level change in HK (14 June 2004)
Temperature projections for Hong Kong in the 21st Century (19 August 2004)
Visibility in Hong Kong is Worsening, Reduced Visibility Hits Record High in 2004 (6 January 2005)
Projected Change in Hong Kong's Rainfall in the 21st Century (26 August 2005)
Summary for Policymakers of the Fourth Assessment Report - Working Group I of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change released (2 February 2007)
Technical Reports
HKO Technical Notes No. 107 “Climate Change in Hong Kong” by Y.K. Leung, K.H. Yeung, E.W.L. Ginn & W.M. Leung
HKO Technical Notes (Local) No. 83 “Climatological Normals for Hong Kong” by T.C. Lee, W.M. Leung & K.W. Chan
HKO Reprint No. 536 “香港分區雨量的長期趨勢分析” 梁延剛,李子祥,梁榮武. 第十八屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會,中國,香港,2004年2月16-18日
(in Chinese only)
HKO Reprint No. 556 “Long-Term Sea Level Change in Hong Kong” by W.T. Wong, K.W. Li & K.H. Yeung. Published in Bulletin of Hong Kong Meteorological Society, Vol. 13, p.24-40.
HKO Reprint No. 565 “香港大氣能見度的長期變化” 梁延剛,鄭婉圓,胡文志. 區域環境質量演變及環境安全學術研討會暨中國地理學會環境地理與化學地理專業委員會2004年學術年會,香港中文大學,2004年10月22-26日
(in Chinese only)
HKO Reprint No. 601 “Long-Term Change in Tropical Cyclone Activity in the western North Pacific” by K.H. Yeung, M.C. Wu, W.L. Chang & Y.K. Leung. Presented in Scientific Assembly of International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Science (IAMAS) 2005, Beijing, China, 2-11 August, 2005
HKO Reprint No. 608 “Temperature Projections for Hong Kong in the 21st century” by Y.K. Leung, E.W.L. Ginn, M.C. Wu, K.H. Yeung & W.L. Chang. Published in Bulletin of Hong Kong Meteorological Society, Volume 14, Number 1/2, 2004
HKO Reprint No. 611 “Climate, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome and Avian Flu” by W.L. Chang, K.H. Yeung & Y.K. Leung. Published in WMO Bulletin, Volume 54, No. 4, October 2005
HKO Reprint No. 616 “Climate Change and Its Impacts” by C.Y. Lam. Presented in Second International Conference on Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Intercontinental Grand Standford Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 15-16 December 2005
HKO Reprint No. 626 “Scientific Background of Haze and Air Pollution in Hong Kong” by C.Y. Lam & K.H. Lau*. Presented in The 13th Annual Conference of Hong Kong Institution of Science (Made in Hong Kong II - Science for Better Health & Environment), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China, 29 October 2005
HKO Reprint No. 627 “人類天氣舒適度指數的長期趨勢分析” 葉嘉敏、梁延剛、張文瀾. 第二十屆粵港澳氣象科技研討會,中國,澳門,2006 年 1 月18-20 日
(in Chinese only)
HKO Reprint No. 638 “Climate Forecasting - What the Temperature and Rainfall in Hong Kong are Going to be Like in 100 Years?” by Y.K. Leung, M.C. Wu & K.H. Yeung. Presented in Symposium of Science in Public Service, Science Museum, Hong Kong, 27 April 2006
HKO Reprint No. 644 “Projected Change in Hong Kong's Rainfall in the 21st Century” by M.C. Wu, Y.K. Leung & K.H. Yeung. Presented in Hong Kong Meteorological Society Bulletin, Vol. 15, No.1/2 2005, June 2006
HKO Reprint No. 646 “Regional Rainfall Characteristics of Hong Kong Over the Past 50 Years” by H.Y. Mok, Y.K. Leung, T.C. Lee & M.C. Wu. Presented in Conference on "Changing Geography in a Diversified World", Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong, China, 1-3 June 2006
HKO Reprint No. 647 “Issues Related to Global Warming - Myths, Realities and Warnings” by K.H. Yeung. Presented in 5th Conference on Catastrophe Insurance in Asia, Hong Kong, China, 20-21 June 2006
HKO Reprint No. 675 “Variations of Tropical Cyclone Activity in the South China Sea” by Y.K. Leung, M.C. Wu & W.L. Chang. Presented in ESCAP/WMO Typhoon Committee Annual Review 2005, November 2006
HKO Reprint No. 683 “Trends in Western North Pacific Tropical Cyclone Intensity” by M.C. Wu, K.H. Yeung & W. L. Chang. Presented in EOS transaction, AGU, Volume 87, Number 48, p537-538, 28 November 2006
HKO Reprint No. 700 “On Climate Changes Brought About by Urban Living” by C.Y. Lam. Presented in PGBC Symposium 2006, 2 December 2006, Hong Kong, China
“綠洲‧氣候‧香港” 林超英
(in Chinese only)
* non-HKO author