Director of Observatory holds public lecture 'Weathering the Storms - Evolution of the Hong Kong Observatory' (Cantonese)
Director of Observatory holds public lecture 'Weathering the Storms - Evolution of the Hong Kong Observatory' (Cantonese)
The Director of the Hong Kong Observatory Mr Lam Chiu-ying will hold a public lecture titled 'Weathering the Storms - Evolution of the Hong Kong Observatory' at the Lecture Hall of the Hong Kong Museum of History on 23 August (Saturday). The lecture is held in conjunction with the thematic exhibition 'Hong Kong Observatory - Weathering the Storms for 125 Years' (Note). It aims to delineate how the Observatory as a scientific government department has evolved to cope with societal changes in the past century. Details of lecture : Date : 23 August 2008 Note: For details of the exhibition please refer to