Weather conditions around the time of the turbulence incident encountered by a Cathay Pacific CX906 today
Weather conditions around the time of the turbulence incident encountered by a Cathay Pacific CX906 today (10 June 2005)
Based on available information, Cathay Pacific CX906 departed Manila for Hong Kong at 11 a.m. It encountered turbulence at around 100 nautical miles (i.e. 190 km) from Manila. Weather information indicates that the region was affected by a broad rain band with vigorous convective activities at that time. It is estimated that the height of the clouds associated with the thunderstorms reached 45000 feet (15000 meters). The significant weather charts issued by the Hong Kong Observatory this morning also forecasted that area would be affected by cumulonimbus and turbulence. The attached is a visible satellite picture taken at around noon today (10 June). Turbulence is caused by irregular motion of air. It brings about rapid bumps or jolts to an aircraft. In severe cases, the aircraft might go momentarily out of control. Turbulence usually happen in the vicinity of thundery showers where vigorous convective activities occur. It will also appear in areas where air masses with different speed, direction or temperature meet each other.