Hong Kong Observatory opens to public next weekend
Hong Kong Observatory opens to public next weekend (12 March 2004)
The Hong Kong Observatory will be open to the public on March 20 and 21 (Saturday and Sunday). Every year in March, the observatory organises an Open Day to celebrate World Meteorological Day, which falls on March 23. This year, the theme of World Meteorological Day is "Weather, Climate and Water in the In recent years, the observatory has been taking full advantage of advances in information technology to provide the public with as much weather information as possible through the internet. This enables members of the There will be an exhibition to explain the work of the observatory. One of the attractions is a Simulated Forecasting Office in which weather forecasters will explain in person how weather forecasts for the day and The visitors can also enjoy the tranquil atmosphere of the lush tropical vegetation of the observatory headquarters from the vantage point of the balcony of a historical building erected more than 120 years ago. Admission to the observatory will be from 9.30 am to 4 pm on both days with the exhibition closing at 4.45 pm. All members of the public are welcome. The observatory is located at 134A Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. Entrance is at the main gate in Nathan Road near Tsim Sha Tsui Kai Fong Welfare Association. The exit is in Observatory Road. There is no access to the observatory from Observatory Road. No tickets are required, but entry will be regulated if necessary. |