
Luminous Scenes

The video clips below introduce the Observatory's work on upper air meteorological observations, as well as the meteorological and radiological measurements carried out at the King's Park Meteorological Station. The videos are broadcast in Cantonese and some of them have English subtitles.
Upper Air Meteorological Observation
Centennial upper air observation
Upper air meteorological observation in the early days at King's Park (silent)
Evolution of upper air meteorological observation at King's Park
Seven decades of upper air radio sounding
Automatic upper air sounding system at King's Park
Mobile upper air sounding system
Meteorological and Radiological Measurements at the King's Park Meteorological Station
Meteorological observations at King's Park
Evaporation and potential evapotranspiration measurements
Measurement of Hong Kong Heat Index
Environmental Radiation Monitoring Programme (with English subtitle)
Radiological measurement work (with English subtitle)
Radiological measurement of samples under the Environmental Radiation Monitoring Programme (with English subtitle)