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Compliment to Hong Kong Observatory from Marine Department (30 January 2012)

(Email from Secretary of the 2012 Navigational Safety Seminar received on 30 January 2012)

Dear Mr. K.K. HON and Mr. K.L. LEE of Hong Kong Observatory,

Over 170 participants attended the captioned Seminar, please see MD's attached Press Summary and , details are self-explanatory.

The Guests or his delegate from the shipping associations, Marpol & FSD had all attended; they are (排名不分先後):-
(a) 港九電船拖輪商會 ------ 郭德基會長、溫子傑理事長
(b) 貨船業總商會 ------------ 黃耀勤理事長
(c) 小輪業職工會 ------------ 程岸麗理事長
(d) 海上遊覽業聯會 --------- 郭志航主席
(e) 香港海員工會 ------------ 楊開強執行秘書
(f) 水警訓練學校 ------------ 鄧英傑警司
(g) 消防處(海務區) ----------- 梁嗣宏署理海務區區長

On behalf of MD and having analyzed all the returned questionnaires from the participants, I would like to extend my wholehearted thanks to your contributions (i.e. both Mr. HON's excellent presentations of the subject and Mr. LEE's efficient arrangements including the practical HKO leaflets for the Seminar) to raise the awareness of importance to port users between Weather Information and Navigational Safety at Sea.

I am looking forward to your continuation of support and assistance in order to enhance port users' awareness to the efficient and effective acquisition of practical sources of weather information in routine and ad hoc basis.

Best Regards,
for MD
Secretary of the 2012 Navigational Safety Seminar