How does the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government deal with the low-level radioactive wastes?
The Radiation Board established under the Radiation Ordinance stipulates the regulations for handling radioactive wastes. The Department of Health defines the code of practice for handling, storage, package, transportation and disposal of the radioactive wastes. According to the Ordinance, importers of radioactive materials shall return radioactive materials to manufacturers when they are no longer in use. Those radioactive wastes with short half-life nuclides are stored for a period, till their radioactivity has decayed below the regulatory limit. Then they can be disposed of like ordinary wastes to landfills or discharged into the sewer after dilution. Those radioactive wastes which have long half-life or cannot be returned to overseas manufacturers have to be stored properly. The Environmental Protection Department operates the Low-level Radioactive Waste Storage Facility at Siu A Chau, Lantau Island, which is capable of accommodating current wastes and those generated in Hong Kong in the next 100 years.
The writer was introduced to the operation
and facility of the waste storage control room
when visiting the Low-level Radioactive
WasteStorage Facility at Siu A Chau