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Table 4.6    Duration of tropical cyclone warning signals issued in Hong Kong : 1956 - 2016

Signal Number of occasions Duration of each occasion Total duration per year
Mean Maximum Minimum Mean Maximum Minimum
h min h min h min h min h min h min
1 or higher 375 42 38 161 0 4 30 262 8 570 15 36 35
  (Tilda,1964) (T.D.,2000) (1964) (1959)
3 or higher 249 29 16 124 15 4 5 119 30 306 35 15 5
  (Mary,1960) (T.D.,2006) (1974) (2004)
8 or higher 90 14 34 66 50 2 40 21 30 100 55 0 0
  (Mary,1960) (Wynne,1984) (1964)
8 NW 27 5 57 15 45 1 30 2 38 18 0 0 0
8 SW 34 4 59 10 45 2 0 2 46 16 10 0 0
8 NE 60 7 41 35 35 1 35 7 33 40 20 0 0
8 SE 50 7 32 21 45 0 20 6 10 31 15 0 0
9 or higher 21 6 54 12 25 2 0 2 22 19 25 0 0
  (York,1999) (Dujuan,2003) (1964)
10 13 6 17 11 0 2 30 1 20 12 10 0 0
   (York,1999) (Alice,1961) (1964)
Note:( ) are the years and the names of the tropical cyclones which created the record.