
Asian Aviation Meteorological Centre

Asian Aviation Meteorological Centre

Background and Purpose

Currently, enroute hazardous weather information is provided by the meteorological watch offices (MWOs) operated by various countries. At the Meteorology Divisional meeting of International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) in 2014, the meeting decided that the responsibility for provision of enroute hazardous weather information would gradually be taken up by regional centres in the next 10 years or so to provide better, more suitable and more consistent services to aviation users.

In response to the rising needs in the global aviation communities, the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO), the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC), and the China Meteorological Administration (CMA) jointly established the Asian Aviation Meteorological Centre (AAMC). Through partnership, AAMC aims to provide quality meteorological services to the aviation industry over the Asia-Pacific region, enhancing the safety and efficiency of flights.

Technology and Design

In view of the large geographical region, research and development on products for weather monitoring and prediction are needed. By applying meteorological big data and related technologies of artificial intelligence, automated tools on monitoring and forecasting thunderstorm, turbulence, icing and other hazardous weather are developed to support weather forecasters.
Nowcast of Significant Convective Activities to Aviation

Turbulence Forecast by Numerical Weather Prediction Model

AAMC commenced operation in 11 July 2018. The main centre in Beijing is operated by the CAAC and the backup centre in Hong Kong is operated by the HKO. Both centres operate simultaneously to ensure the stability and reliability of service.

The Director of the HKO, Mr Shun Chi-ming (third right); the Deputy Administrator of the CAAC, Mr Wang Zhiqing (fourth right); the Deputy Administrator of the CMA, Mr Yu Rucong (fourth left); and other guests officiating at the launch ceremony of the AAMC in Beijing.

The Platform

AAMC built an online monitoring and collaboration platform to show various data using the geographic information system (GIS), including:
  • Weather observations by aerodrome globally
  • Meteorological satellite, radar, and global lightning data
  • Forecasts by numerical weather predictions models
  • Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMET) issued by MWOs globally
  • AMDAR and weather reports from pilots
AAMC Hazardous Weather Monitoring platform

This one-stop shop platform helps users to monitor the most updated weather situations over a large region and assisted MWOs of various countries to issue weather advisories in a timely manner. A chat room is also included in the platform for the MWOs to discuss and coordinate before issuing hazardous weather advisories for the aviation community, thus improving the regional aviation meteorological service.

AAMC Hazardous Weather Coordination Platform


AAMC will issue hazardous weather guidance products regularly, which are jointly prepared by a team of forecasters from the HKO and their counterparts from CAAC. Using various tools and products and utilizing forecasters’ experience, the team issues guidance products for other MWOs reference. To improve forecasting capabilities and strengthen communications, forecasters from HKO and CAAC hold weather conference every morning through video conferencing, and exchange opinion on weather forecasts every few hours through the online chat room on the coordination platform.
The hazardous weather guidance products for the next six hours