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Caring Organisation Scheme 2010/11

10 March 2011

The Hong Kong Observatory has been awarded the "Caring Organisation" again under the "Caring Organisation Scheme 2010/11". This is the sixth consecutive year that the Observatory received the Award. The "Caring Organisation Scheme" is organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, which aims to build a cohesive society by inspiring organisation social responsibility through caring for the community, caring for the employees and caring for the environment. The Hong Kong Observatory is awarded the "Caring Organisation" in recognition of its achievements in supporting and assisting the employee volunteering through the HKO Volunteers; encouraging donation in any format to social service bodies; offering employment and vocational training opportunities to the vulnerable; giving support to social enterprises; providing safe and healthy working environment to employees; nurturing a family-friendly environment for employees through a series of family-oriented policies and activities, and promoting awareness in environmental protection and actively participating in related initiatives.