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New regional sea level scenarios help communities prepare for risks.
More intense tropical cyclones due to climate change pose threat to coral reefs.
Reduction in cookstove use would have positive impact to global climate change.
Sea ice extents in the Arctic and the Antarctic for January 2017 are the lowest in the satellite record for the month.
Northeast U.S. temperature rise would reach 2°C two decades ahead of global average.
Cold-loving butterflies threatened by climate change and habitat loss.
Without efficient emission reductions, yield losses of 20 percent for wheat in the U.S. are possible by 2100.
Warm ocean water melting the largest glacier in East Antarctica from below.
Researchers uncover origin of atmospheric particles.
2016 average global sea surface temperature was record high at 0.75°C above the 20th century average.
2016 saw the second highest total number of billion-dollar weather and climate disasters in the U.S. since 1980.
Short-lived greenhouse gases cause centuries of sea-level rise.
Tenfold jump in green tech needed to meet global emissions targets.
The rate of recent global warming had been underestimated.
Climate change likely caused deadly 2016 avalanche in Tibet.
In 2016, the annual average sea ice extent in the Arctic and the Antarctic were the lowest and the second lowest in the satellite record respectively.
Meeting the 1.5°C target of the Paris Agreement could net additionally six million tons of fish annually.
2016 shatters record for Alaska's warmest year.
2016 is the hottest year on record, about 1.1°C above pre-industrial era. The annual temperature record has been broken for three consecutive years.
U.S. had 2nd warmest year on record in 2016.
Centennial glacier retreat as categorical evidence of regional climate change.
Extreme downpours could increase fivefold across parts of the U.S.
NOAA: 2016 probably warmest on record
Antarctica's Larsen C Ice Shelf poised to calve.
European Commission: 2016 confirmed as the warmest year on record
Arctic sea ice extent for December 2016 is the second lowest in the satellite record for the month. Global sea ice extent was below average throughout 2016.
Global warming may send more hurricanes to Northeast U.S. coast.
Global warming will drive the loss of at least 55 billion tonnes of carbon from the Earth’s soil by mid-century.
How do coral reefs protect lives and property?
Rainfall patterns shift with increasing global warming.
Human-caused climate change very likely increased the severity of heat waves that plagued India, Pakistan, Europe, East Africa, East Asia, and Australia in 2015.
European climate in 2016 marked by warm nights and major floods.
Tracking Arctic environmental changes: an update for 2016
U.S. record high temperatures could outpace record lows by 15 to 1 before century's end.
January - November 2016 warmest on record. Autumn 2016 second warmest on record.
Climate change could cut First Nations fisheries' catch in half.
Climate change is shortening the snow season in the Swiss Alps.
Human-caused carbon emissions is linked to dissolving sea snail shells off U.S. West Coast.
Where is the missing heat?
U.S. had its warmest autumn and 2nd warmest November 2016 on record.
Arctic sea ice extent for November 2016 is the lowest in the satellite record for the month.
The longest Atlantic hurricane season on record.
Arctic ecosystems are threatened by climate change and human activities.
Pricing food according to its emissions can mitigate climate change and promote human health.
82% of the core ecological processes that underpin ecosystems and provide services to people are now affected by climate change.
Cement soaks up carbon dioxide.
Relationship between rising CO2 concentration and an increase in heavy precipitation confirmed by observations.
Sea level rise during the 20th century may be underestimated by about 25 percent.
Climate warming increases emissions of greenhouse gases from the Arctic.
Three square metres of Arctic sea ice disappear for each tonne of carbon dioxide emission.
World must urgently up action to cut a further 25% from predicted 2030 emissions.
Stronger reduction of CO2 emission is required in order to keep global temperature rise below 2°C.
January - October 2016 warmest on record.
Wheat yield to decline as temperatures increase.
Persistent shift of the Arctic polar vortex towards the Eurasian continent in recent decades.
Coastal cities at risk from rapid sea-level rise with warming above 2 degrees Celsius.
Climate change impairs the survival instincts of fish.
Extreme weather increasingly linked to global warming.
Global warming has negative impacts on plant growth.
Australia is experiencing more extremely hot days and severe fire seasons.
Arctic sea ice extent for October 2016 is the lowest in the satellite record for the month.
Megadrought risks soar as atmosphere warms in the American Southwest.
Stunning rates of ice loss found in West Antarctica.
Temporary extinction reprieve for some frogs.
Warming sea surface temperatures from climate change are forcing populations of the American lobster to higher latitudes.
Agriculture has big role to play in curbing greenhouse gas emissions.
Globally averaged CO2 levels reach 400 ppm in 2015.
January-September 2016 hottest on record.
More than half of hot extremes due to climate change.
Grasses across the globe may be unable to keep pace with a changing climate.
Human-caused climate change has doubled western U.S. forest fire area.
All polar bears across the Arctic face shorter sea ice season.
The Paris Agreement on climate change is set to enter into force on 4 November.
Ocean fossils found in mountains are cause for concern over future sea levels.
Projected faunal movement routes in response to climate change.
Climate change increased chances of record rains in Louisiana by at least 40 percent.
Extreme-weather winters are becoming more common in U.S.
Kauai Island forest birds at tipping point toward extinction.
August 2016 was the warmest August on record. Monthly temperature records have been broken for 16 consecutive months.
2016 ties with 2007 for second lowest Arctic sea ice minimum.
Future fisheries can expect USD 10 billion revenue loss due to climate change.
Future drought will offset benefits of higher CO2 on soybean yields.
Local destabilization can cause complete loss of West Antarctica’s ice masses.
Rising price of extreme weather events.
Amazon forests: Biodiversity can help mitigate climate risks.
Which emits more carbon dioxide: volcanoes or human activities?
Increasing flash droughts over China under global warming.
Economic growth will not be able to counterbalance climate change damages.
July 2016 was the warmest July on record. Monthly temperature records have been broken for 15 consecutive months.
Clear link found between warming climate and rise in ocean-borne bacterial illnesses.
Lake Tanganyika fisheries declining from global warming.
Drought slows the growth of Douglas fir trees across the western US.
In 2015, glaciers across the globe, on average, continued to shrink for the 36th consecutive year.
The global mean sea level in 2015 was the highest in the satellite record.
Assessing the 1.5°C limit in the Paris Agreement.
Between 2011 and 2014, Greenland lost around one trillion tonnes of ice, contributing twice as much to sea-level rise as the prior two decades.
Ocean warming is the primary cause of Antarctic Peninsula glacier retreat.
Health and climate impacts of the emissions from ocean-going vessels in East Asia.
Children play an important role in promoting energy saving.
Flood damages in Germany could multiply under climate change.