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New Windshear Alerting Language Put into Use

New windshear alerting language has been put into operational use since 1 April 2004 after a year's trial. Under the new phraseology, the windshear and microburst alerts passed by ATC no longer include the reference to specific location (i.e. 1 NM, 2 NM, 3 NM or runway). Apart from its simplicity, the new phraseology avoids possible misinterpretation of the alert message in respect of the location of windshear detected when more than one event occurs over a particular approach or departure corridor.

The International Federation of Air Line Pilots' Associations (IFALPA), International Air Transport Association (IATA), major airlines operating in Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Air Traffic Control Association have given their support to the implementation of this new phraseology. The followings are examples of alerts under the new phraseology:

"Caution microburst minus 30 kt on final approach"
"Caution windshear plus 25 kt on departure"
"Caution severe turbulence and significant windshear on final approach"
"Caution moderate turbulence and significant windshear on departure".