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International Experts met in Hong Kong to map out future aviation weather information exchange format

HKO News Bulletin for the Aviation Community (38th Issue)

The Hong Kong Observatory hosted the Sixth Meeting of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Commission for Basic System (CBS) Task Team on Aviation XML (TT-AvXML) from 13 to 15 October 2017. The 3-day meeting was attended by members of the task team and interested meteorological and information technology experts around the world including Finland, Germany, Hong Kong, China, Morocco, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NOAA), the United Kingdom and the United States. The task team discussed the design of the upcoming IWXXM version 3 which addressed the requirements of Amendment 78 to ICAO Annex 3. IWXXM 3 was targeted to be released in the latter part of 2018.

Mr. C.M. Shun, Director of the Hong Kong Observatory (front row, middle), taking a group photo with the experts
Figure 1: Mr. C.M. Shun, Director of the Hong Kong Observatory (front row, middle), taking a group photo with the experts
Mr. C.M. Shun delivering a welcome speech to the participants of the meeting
Figure 2: Mr. C.M. Shun delivering a welcome speech to the participants of the meeting