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HKIA Weather Information Dissemination through Twitter: Weather-related NOTAM

Starting from 1 December 2014, whenever a weather related NOTAM related to Hong Kong is received by the Observatory, for example, “arriving traffic for Hong Kong International Airport are to expect up to 30 minutes delay due to weather in the terminal area”, a tweet would be sent by the twitter account HKO_HKIA_NOTAM to notify its followers availability of such a NOTAM.

Fig. 1 An example of a tweet notifying users the receipt of weather related NOTAM. The NOTAM number (A0324/15), the originator (VHHHYNYX) and the filing date-time (10:38UTC 09.05.15) are given in the tweet so that users can, based on these information, retrieve the NOTAM message for further details.

The HKIA Weather Information Dissemination through Twitter service was launched since 2012. It provides registered users with the following information:

Name of ServiceHKIA Aerodrome WarningsTropical Cyclone InformationAerodrome Strong Wind and Gust WarningsWeather related NOTAMWireless Headset Procedure (WHP) status
Content/ Information related by Tweet (including issuance, updating and cancelling where appropriate)- Aerodrome thunderstorm warning
- Aerodrome hail warning
- Aerodrome tsunami warning
- Tropical cyclone warning signal
- Pre-no. 8 Special Announcement
- HKIA precautionary announcement
- Aerodrome strong wind and gusts warning- Receipt of weather related NOTAM- Wireless Headset Procedure (WHP) status at HKIA

For details on registering the above service with HKO, please contact Mr. M.H. Kok via one of the following methods:

Mailing address: Hong Kong Observatory, 134A Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong, China (Attn.: Mr. M.H. Kok)
Tel. no.: (852) 2926 8702
Fax no.: (852) 2375 2645