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Statistics of HKO's Website in 2024

Month / Year Page views *
6 / 2024 15,597,220,052
5 / 2024 15,469,803,880
4 / 2024 13,346,880,240
3 / 2024 12,886,398,161
2 / 2024 10,950,785,252
1 / 2024 11,782,859,339
  • From 2000 to 2009, visitor statistics (in page views) from and websites were added up to produce the total count.
  • From 2010 onwards, visitor statistics (in page views) also included those from PDA website and mobile website.
  • From Jul 2011 onwards, visitor statistics (in page views) also included the Chinese domain names of the HKO website: 天文台.香港 and 香港天氣.香港.
  • From 2012 onwards, visitor statistics also included those from the Weather Wizard.
  • From 2017 onwards, visitor statistics also included those from the thematic websites of the HKO (e.g. Hong Kong Weather Information for Tourists website, Weather Information for Senior Citizens website, etc.).