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The Hong Kong Observatory Logo and Trade Mark


Diagram explaining the design of the logo of the Hong Kong Observatory

The basic design of the Logo of the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) came from the concept of the balance between "Yin" and "Yang" of Tai chi in traditional Chinese wisdom.

The typhoon is a natural choice for the key feature in the logo of the HKO because members of the public always look towards the Observatory at times of typhoon. The cross at the centre symbolises the monitoring of typhoon rain bands by radar, representing round-the-clock surveillance of the weather by HKO and our target of making accurate weather forecasts. The typhoon symbol is extended laterally and fitted into an elliptic frame representing the shape of the Earth. It highlights the concept of stable equilibrium and prudency. It also alludes to geophysics and related sciences being part of the work of HKO.

Furthermore, two "S" symbols embedded in the HKO logo, a white "S" and a blue "S". They stand for "Science" and "Service" and stand for the fundamental philosophy of "Service based on Science".

Trade Mark

The Logo of the HKO has been registered as a trade mark (Trade Mark No.: 304352995, Class No.: 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 25, 28, 35, 38, 39, 41, 42 and 45), indicating that the HKO has the exclusive right to use the trade mark in relation to the goods and services for which the mark is registered in Hong Kong.

HKO Trade Mark
HKO Trade Mark

Certificate of Registration
Certificate of Registration