Daily Forecast of the Probability of Precipitation (PoP)
- The daily forecast of PoP indicates the chance of rain (with rainfall of 0.5 mm or more) in Hong Kong on a certain day and it has six categories: <10%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% and >90%.
- For example, if PoP is 60%, it means that the probability of rain occurrence at the station is around 60% on that day. In other words, it will rain about 60 times for every 100 forecasts for a 60% PoP. It should be noted that PoP only indicates how likely it is to rain, and it is not directly related to the duration or the intensity of the rainfall.
- The daily forecast of PoP is directly generated from a computer forecast system without manual adjustments, and may be different from the official weather forecasts issued by the Hong Kong Observatory (HKO) or the measurements recorded at individual weather stations. Please refer to the official forecasts issued by the HKO.
- For the latest daily forecast of PoP, please visit the Automatic Regional Weather Forecast webpage.